DIAGNOTROP project on the list of applications recommended for funding

6 December 2022

“Innovative integrated field and stationary diagnostics system for parasitic, bacterial and viral invasions in PMC areas (DIAGNOTROP)” is the title of the project recommended for funding under the National Defense and Security Program of the National Center for Research and Development.

The project aims to create an innovative, integrated system for specific, reliable and rapid diagnosis of invasive and infectious diseases of parasitic, bacterial and viral etiology in Polish Armed Forces soldiers stationed abroad and returning from military operations. The main assumption is to create a three-stage, coherent diagnostic system based on field diagnostic tests and the most modern techniques and methods of molecular biology.

Moreover, as part of the project, solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) will be created to support training procedures, performance and interpretation of individual diagnostic tests. The project will also present AI solutions that can support the anti-epidemic algorithms of the entire health care system. The effect of the implementation of the proposed solutions will be the possibility of comprehensive diagnostics of soldiers during the operation and after returning to the country.

The Consortium, which is the Applicant, consists of:

Military Institute of Medicine (currently: Military Institute of Medicine – National Research Institute) (leader)
Warsaw University of Technology – Center for Advanced Materials and Technologies “CEZAMAT”
university of Lodz
Military University of Technology Jarosław Dąbrowski
Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy them. Ludwik Hirszfeld of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Dynamic Safety Corporation Sp. z o. o.

Source of information: https://www.gov.pl/web/ncbr/informacja-o-wynikach-konkursu-nr-122022-runda-1




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