here, we create the future

Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies

The Centre for Advanced Materials and Technology (CEZAMAT) is one of the largest R&D investment projects in high technology in Poland. The project, co-financed by the European Union, established a network of five laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and the necessary infrastructure.

The Centre’s laboratories conduct research and development work on new technologies with commercial potential that will help develop Poland’s economy and economic success.

Success in high-tech industries requires support and continuous cooperation with the best scientific centres. In order to facilitate this, a consortium comprising the following members has been established within the framework of the CEZAMAT Project:

  • Warsaw University of Technology (Consortium Leader)
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Institute of Electron Technology
  • Institute of Electronic Materials Technology
  • University of Warsaw
  • Military University of Technology

A space for innovation

CEZAMAT is open to innovative ideas. Its modern and specially prepared research infrastructure enables ideas to be executed through to industrial implementation. Our laboratories offer anyone interested in creating innovations – Polish and foreign students, PhD students and entrepreneurs – the opportunity to develop their projects.

Laboratory network

CEZAMAT is a network of specialised laboratories that includes:

  • the Central Laboratory – interdisciplinary laboratories located on the premises of the Warsaw University of Technology, Poleczki Street, Warsaw
  • a specialised advanced laser nanotechnologies laboratory at the Military University of Technology, Gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego Street, Warsaw
  • a specialised spectroscopic and magnetic research laboratory at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Hoża Street, Warsaw
  • a laboratory for quantum nitride structures and advanced characterisation techniques at the Institute of High Pressure Physics (PAS), Prymasa Tysiąclecia Avenue, Warsaw
  • a specialised laboratory for fabricating precise chromium masks and micro-optical diffraction structures at the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Wólczyńska Street, Warsaw


The objective of the CEZAMAT project is to create a platform that will integrate the research community and enable the interdisciplinary development of research on modern materials and technologies. Thanks to the new research infrastructure and integrated research programmes, it is possible to conduct joint scientific research and development at the highest level and to popularise and implement modern technologies.

An important objective of CEZAMAT is to transfer advanced technologies and commercialise the ideas that will be developed. The Centre promotes cooperation between the Mazovian and national scientific and research centres and business, and it supports activities for the development of the region.


The mission is to create an interdisciplinary platform for research on future materials and technologies, which by integrating the scientific community will enable research and business entities to conduct scientific research at the highest level, as well as to implement and popularise the modern technologies developed through this research in society.


CEZAMAT is an innovative research centre that inspires research on advanced materials and technologies that will bring breakthroughs in Polish science, thus ensuring the competitiveness of Poland and Europe in the international arena of high technology.

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