The ADEVASCO project will be funded through the Virtual Research Institute

16 May 2024

An international panel of experts has selected two projects for funding. A total of 5 projects were submitted.

“Personalized diagnostics of vascular endothelium in cancer therapy; towards modern vasculo-oncology” is the full title of the project submitted by the consortium, which includes: Jagiellonian University (leader), Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in Wroclaw, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in Olsztyn, Medical University of Gdansk, Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Institute of Oncology – National Research Institute in Gliwice, and Warsaw University of Technology.

The main objective of the ADEVASCO project is to develop a new electrochemical biosensor technology using short DNA or RNA fragments to detect vascular endothelial dysfunction induced by oncology treatment. The solution will be based on polymer nanobricks and a dedicated POCT device with flow microcircuits. This will create a diagnostic method that will be used for early diagnosis of cardiovascular complications resulting from cancer therapies.

The entire ADEVASCO project will receive more than PLN 78.5 million. Warsaw University of Technology will receive more than PLN 8 million. The project manager is Prof. Stefan Chłopicki from Jagiellonian University. Prof. Mariusz Pietrzak is responsible for the project at Warsaw University of Technology. The project will be co-implemented in the Center for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT at the Warsaw University of Technology.

The Virtual Research Institute is an innovative program to finance research with high commercialization potential – medical biotechnology. The amount of the entire program is PLN 450 million. The program is a distribution tool for the Polish Science Fund.


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