
SelF-powerIng electroNics – the Key for Sustainable future


Electronics have become ubiquitous in modern society, permeating every aspect of daily life. Their pervasive presence comes with an environmental cost. Trillions of batteries, essential components of many electronic devices, pose environmental challenges due to extraction of raw materials needed for their production, manufacturing, and waste disposal. Concern also arises when considering the amount of work needed to exchange batteries in trillions of (sometimes inaccessible) loci.

To address these problems, SFINKS proposes a near perpetuum-mobile solution: battery-less, self-supplying technology. SFINKS aims to harness the natural “tides” of atmospheric pressure and temperature in order to generate electricity in innovative micro-generators. Unlike traditional battery-powered devices, these new generators could operate always and everywhere. The quasi-infinite lifetime of these harvesters could make them suitable for deployment on satellites or even other planets, where variations in pressure or temperature are abundant. Project’s goal is to equip the space exploration missions to Mars with SFINKS-powered sensors, paving the way for exciting discoveries beyond Earth.


European Research Council Executive Agency


Warsaw University of Technology

Project No


Project value

2 497 319,00 Euro

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