CEZAMAT WUT representatives winners in the ‘Best of the Best WUT II’ competition

15 May 2024

Marcin Drozd, Maciej Trzaskowski and Paulina Trzaskowska have been awarded in the ‘Best of the best at WUT II’ competition.

The ‘Best of the best at WUT II’ competition, part of the implementation of the ‘Excellence Initiative – Research University’ programme, was launched at the beginning of 2024.

The aim of the competition is to provide individualised support and sustain the commitment of outstanding young WUT employees performing research or teaching tasks to develop their academic careers, both research and teaching at WUT.

In the published results of the competition, 27 employees were selected, including employees of the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT WUT – Marcin Drozd, PhD, and Maciej Trzaskowski, PhD, from the Department of Medical Diagnostics, and Paulina Trzaskowska, PhD, from the Department of Medical Biotechnology.


Source: https://badawcza.pw.edu.pl/Konkursy/Wyniki-konkursow/2024/Wyniki-konkursu-Najlepsi-z-najlepszych-PW-II

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