CEZAMAT of the Warsaw University of Technology in the Competence Centre for Microelectronics and Photonics consortium

28 May 2024

The Competence Centre for Microelectronics and Photonics will be a joint venture of three research units, financed from National Recovery Plan (NRP) funds: Łukasiewicz Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics (leader), Łukasiewicz Institute of Tele- and Radio Technology and CEZAMAT WUT.

The planned investment will allow the creation of a modern world-class centre of competence, enabling the realisation of a research agendas on an unprecedented level. As a result, Polish companies will have greater access to advanced research infrastructure designed precisely to meet their needs. Polish entrepreneurs will have a greater chance of securing international grants and research partners.

The Competence Centre for Microelectronics and Photonics will also contribute to the development of technological innovations, allowing Polish companies to achieve a competitive advantage, to enable progress in the areas of microelectronics and photonics, and to accelerate the transfer of modern technologies to the economy.

As part of the project, the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technology CEZAMAT at the Warsaw University of Technology will purchase new technological, diagnostic and measurement equipment in the existing laboratories and put this equipment into operation. The technology park available at CEZAMAT WUT, combined with the equipment to be purchased, will create a unique technology line in Poland for the manufacture of photonic integrated circuits and microelectronic devices. It will be the only technology park in this part of Europe fully adapted to 200 mm substrates .

Completion of the investment and the planned research agenda will enable CEZAMAT WUT to acquire new technological capabilities and competencies in semiconductor technologies, particularly in the manufacture and integration of integrated photonics components and subassemblies, as well as new generation microelectronic devices.

The cost of CEZAMAT WUT’s investment will be more than PLN 97 million, of which NRP funding will amount to PLN 70 million. The funding will be provided under the National Recovery Plan (NRP) – Investment A2.4.1 Investments in expansion of research potential – Scheme B: Research infrastructure – undertakings implemented by the Łukasiewicz Research Network.


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