Biotechnological Revolution at CEZAMAT Laboratories of Warsaw University of Technology – Bacteria in the service of science and industry.

1 October 2024

Biotechnological innovations that have the potential to transform the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries are within reach for scientists at Warsaw University of Technology. In the CEZAMAT laboratories, Dr. Eng. Anna Mazurkiewicz-Pisarek, assistant professor at CEZAMAT, and M.Sc. Eng. Magdalena Janczewska from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, are conducting groundbreaking research that harnesses the potential of bacteria in a modern and advanced way. Thanks to their dedication and expertise, these microorganisms are becoming a key element in the production of innovative active substances.

“We know how to put bacteria to work,” said M.Sc. Eng. Magdalena Janczewska and Dr. Eng. Anna Mazurkiewicz-Pisarek to PAP, founders of the company Science4Beauty, which specializes in the genetic modification of bacteria and the production of cosmetics containing substances produced by these microorganisms.

The company, Science4Beauty, founded by the researchers, uses genetic modification technology to produce bioactive ingredients that are utilized in next-generation cosmetics. These innovative solutions enable the creation of products that are more eco-friendly, effective, and skin-friendly.

The biotechnology of the future, being developed at CEZAMAT, has the potential to revolutionize the way we produce cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, opening new possibilities not only for industry but also for the environment.

More information about their work can be found in the full article by PAP:

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