SEMINAR: “Patient-specific solution of the electrocorticography forward problem in deforming brain”

6 June 2022

Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies (WUT) invites you to a lecture by Professor Karol Miller from The University of Western Australia. The seminar will be held on June 10, 2022 (Friday) at 2 p.m.

The seminar will be in hybrid form. The meeting will be at room 1.47 on the ground floor of the CEZAMAT administration building. The on-line meeting will be available on platform MS TEAMS:


Karol Miller is a Winthrop Professor of Applied Mechanics at The University of Western Australia and a Visiting Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. Karol was born and educated in Warsaw, Poland. He has MSc in aerospace engineering, PhD in robotics and DSc in biomechanics. In 2002 Karol established the Intelligent Systems for Medicine Laboratory. ISML’s mission is to work towards improving clinical outcomes through development and appropriate use of technology. It runs exciting research projects funded by the Australian Research Council, the National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia), the National Institute of Health (USA) and other national and international agencies. The overall objective of his research is to help creating methods and tools which will enable a new exciting era of personalised medicine. He is best known for his work on biomechanics of the brain. He is the world’s most cited researcher in this area. Karol’s research and teaching have been recognised by multiple awards, including the Humboldt Research Award, NVIDIA GPU Computing Champion Award, the Simulation Industry Association Australia Award, the Sir Charles Julius Medal, the Polish Prime Minister Award, the UWA Faculty of Engineering Computing and Mathematics Teaching Award and the UWA Student Guild Choice Award.

Karol has been a member of National Health and Medical Research Council panel for medical technology (Investigator and Ideas grants), Australian Research Council College of Experts and Australian Research Council Medical Research Advisory Panel.

He is also the Editor of Modelling in Biology and Medicine and Associate Editor of International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. Until 2020 he had served as Associate Editor of Annals of Biomedical Engineering.

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